Time to pay back... Bitch [Request]

Jonas Plunkett is a 50 years old guy and has a problem. Everytime he sees a woman with curves he's got a hard bone, he wants to fuck her too no matter what. So his technic is quite old but functional, he follows the woman, adjust his mask, he follows her then he turns over to let his victim believes she's safe then follows her again and comes right behind her in the hall of her building till he pushes her against the wall and starts fucking her until he cums then leaves. He was never caught, always left before police arrived, however this time it's different. 

That day Jonas is out of work, he wants to be home, have his shower then go running as usual, but as he is on his way back home he sees one of the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen, red colored hair, blue eyes, pierced nose but those curves, with a B breast, her ass in those gorgeous jeans shorts, socks and shoes. Jonas follows her in the street but what he doesn't know is that woman is waiting for him, she holds a bag in her hands, Jonas is right behind her, when she enters her building he's about to push her to the walls to fuck her but instead she turns over to him and sprays a pink lotion to his face. 

Jonas thinks first it's tear gas then he starts coughing hard, his eyes are so red, he tries to leave the place but the woman blocks the way, pushes Jonas to the wall and tells him "Now time to pay back for everything you've done to us women bitch." 

Jonas feels suddenly a terrible pain like needles all over his body, his 6.2 ft. height diminishes to a mere 5.2 ft. now he's smaller than the woman who has a grin now, his muscles and great body he shaped over the years in different workout rooms disappear completely leaving him a tiny body, his hairs recede into in his body leaving him a smooth skin as tattoos appear from nowhere on his right hand but also his arms, his ribcage, his hands and feet grow smaller and  new color appear on them black and white, his short grey hair grows out to his shoulders and becomes green with pink hair tips, his brown eyes change to blue, his face feminizes and looks like now a young girl, finally on his muscular chest grows up two pretty B cup boobs with pink areolas and his once vigorous cock is now much smaller and his balls are emptied as estrogen flows in his bloodstream, his male genitalia recedes in his body for a female one with new pussy, new vagina, ovaries and uterus, all fully functional, leaving Jonas a girl. 

The woman is absolutely enchanted with her new creation, the new girl is shocked she tries to understand what happened but the woman doesn't give her the time, kissing her and tears down her old male clothes, showing her new teen body, she dresses up the new girl with a pair of panties, no bra because her breast is young and full of life, a black top with blue destroyed jeans, black vegan Doc Martens shoes, finally on her shoulders this military vest with lots of badges. 

The woman gives the new girl her bag, she finds an ID card with her head on it, her new name is Ravyn Crowe 22, and suddenly whistles and 4 women come out, they're some of the numerous victims of Jonas, Ravyn is frightened and the woman says "Now hunnie, it's time for you to know what's it like to be fucked from behind before you go to college" 

One of the women has a massive strapon and fucks mercilessly Ravyn who's starting to cry but suddenly her cries become moans of pleasure she likes it as memories of her new life inprit in her mind, Ravyn studies feminism and LGBT rights in UCLA, she's lesbian and likes rough sex with her 5 sexual partners she knows since her junior year at college, thanks to these women she is now this gorgeous green haired woman. 

Later in the year during a college party, one of her girlfriends takes this gorgeous picture of Ravyn before joining them.


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