Younger than you thought...
Holly Miller is in the middle of her training with the other cheerleaders when Chet was calling, she evolves with so much grace and she’s as good as Eleonore and some day she could be definitely the captain of the cheer squad.
When she finishes her training and says bye to the other girls, she sees her phone and listens her brother’s message, she goes to Eleonore’s dorm room in her cheer squad uniform, on her way she looks at some pictures and publishes this one her brother took during the weekend in her parents’ house, she wears her cute red, yellow and white cheer uniform and writes
As she writes it, she arrives at the dorm room, takes the elevator directly since her brother told her not to bother the janitor. Arrived to the last floor, she can hear awful hard rock songs and smells that foul stench of sweat. Holly arrives in the room and she’s got that face disgusted to see what she has just seen… two girls or guys kissing each other in a room smelling that strong sweat scent in this room that was once Eleonore’s bedroom but now totally different.
Holly finally interrupts these two people saying: “Who the heck are you? Where are my brother and my best friend? Where are Eleonore and Chet?”
The two stop kissing it’s Payton and Riley, they look at each other and looks with a grin Holly as Riley answers: “I don’t know bitch… listen why don’t you call your brother and leave us… we’re busy…”
But Holly keeps continuing: “No where are my brother and my best friend? You’re in my best friend’s room and you’re clearly not her… so what happened here? Tell me or I call the police…”
This time it’s Payton who says: “Who the fuck do you think you are dude? We were just in bed having fun together and you come here fucking with us… what do you think you are? You’re just a fucking Karen or just a fucking toddler crying because you’re not having what you want… Shut the fuck up and leave bitch…”
At this moment the cute girly Annabelle comes out of her room in her pink dress saying with her soft yet boyish voice: “Hey girls what’s going on? Why are you so mad?”
Holly can’t believe it… she thinks in herself that… that thing is wearing Eleonore’s dress and how does it sound like… Chet? At this moment she finally says: “Chet! Is that really you? Why are you looking like a drag queen wearing… Eleonore’s dress?”
Annabelle looks really offended but as she looks Holly she says: “My name was Chet but that was sooo many years ago love… do we know each other? My name is Annabelle Holly Miller…”
Holly to interrupt: “No I’m Holly Miller… Chet I’m Holly your sister… come on… snap out of it… what have they done to you?”
Annabelle to say: “Oh no I’d have known if I had a sister… I don’t know who you are but you’re not my sister and that beautiful dress was a gift from my girls here…”
Holly wants to answer but she can hear doors opening and it’s other dudes coming here and surrounding Holly who starts feeling bad not only because she’s alone but also because their stench make her feel unease.
Riley comes closer and says: “Oh do you feel unease bitch… do we make you feel bad because we don’t smell fucking perfume like you or fruity deodorant… time for you to smell this bitch…”
She pulls Holly’s hair pushing her to her hairy sweaty armpits… Holly has nausea smelling this awful stench then Riley pushes Holly on the others holding her firmly as Riley says: “Alright dudes time to get this one changed…”
Holly can feel herself falling on the bed smelling really bad with sweat, she feels her wrists and ankles tied to the bed as her beautiful cheerleader outfit is teared down revealing her toned sexy body, her C cup breast, her tanned perfect skin, her hairless pussy, her long beautiful hair.
Riley chuckles as she says: “Alright let’s see what we have here… oh fuck you’re really too girly to be one of the dudes bitch…”
As she says that she looks inside Holly’s bag and finds keys from the her apartment and car, lots of money, pink I-Phone 16 and Hello Kitty wallet she says with a smile really her dreadful braces: “Dudes three of you are going to find me this car… it’s a fucking Lamborghini and I want it for myself… you can share the money and empty her apartment… and leave the key to the janitor because… after what we’ve done to her… she’d be too young to live here haha…”
The three dudes leave with Annabelle because she might take the clothes for herself, Holly is angrier than ever: “YOU BETTER UNTIE ME NOW BITCH… LET ME GO AND DON’T TOUCH MY THINGS… AAAAH…”
Riley pulls Holly’s hair as she says: “Shut the fuck up bitch… dude give me the clipper we’re gonna give her one hell of haircut haha…”
Holly screams to stop it as her beautiful luscious blond hair falls on the bed until she’s got a boyish short haircut. At this moment one other dude gives Riley a large shaker of proteins mixed with chocolate, banana and sweat, Riley says: “Time to drink your daily shaker bitch…”
Holly wants to plea and protest but Riley shoves in Holly’s mouth the shaker as the chemical taste hits her tongue going deeper in her throat, her body so soft a minute ago gains acne and hairs covering her armpits and pussy, her blond hair turns brown as dandruff appear, her face chisels getting more masculine, her soft feminine frame gains muscles as her shoulders go wider, her voice so soft gets more masculine with the steroids and testosterone, her breast she is proud of disappears, going from her proud C to a small A cup breast, her hands so soft are now full of chalk and calluses, same for her feet.
At this moment, Holly is drenched with sweat, her body hurts her so bad, she thinks it’s over and glad to have her mind but this moment is short as her hands are firmly hold while they untie her cuffs only to pass on her hands then wrists something she doesn’t see then they tie her wrists again, they do the same with her ankles and it’s only then she realizes they’re passing clothes on her but they have nothing to do with the clothes she’d normally wear, she feels a pair of boy shorts followed by jeans slowly going on her legs and waist as they button the jeans, close the zip and buckle the belt, then she feels going down her arms a black sport bra covering her small breast, her feet once pretty now disgusting are covered with black socks and men sports shoes.
Holly is appalled by this, she wants to free herself but suddenly Riley says: “Alright dude… you start looking good… you’re almost perfect dude… yeah almost… time to fix those devils…”
As she says that, she seizes Holly’s face and forces on her perfect white teeth a set of old disgusting plain braces and before Holly could even realize what’s going on, the shaker is back in her mouth as a pair of headphones over her ears as she hears the first words of the song Pussy is God by King Princess and starts like this:
As she hears this, Holly feels her head messing up so bad as she forgets her knowledge about cheerleading, her fashion sense, all her girly talks with her friends, her boyfriend, even her first time with a boy as she slowly becomes another person… a dude called Skye she’s only 17 years old but she is quite smart and yet she drops school since she can’t bear all these fucking Christians, she’s a punk and lesbian and was almost caught kissing some girls in the restrooms. After leaving school she becomes a bad ass bitch fighting with men she hates until she meets with Riley and Payton who gave her a shelter and a new purpose in life… doing powerlifting. She gains lots of muscles in a few period of time and once she was provoked by a man criticizing her friends but he regretted it so bad once Skye broke his jaws with her fist…
As her mental transformation finishes, Skye feels the braces locking on her teeth and her blue eyes turn brown like her hair, finishing her transformation…
When Skye wakes up, all the dudes who left earlier are back and welcome Skye, kissing her and playing with her pussy till she cums on her shorts and pants. Later that day Skye takes this selfie saying:
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