So happy to be together [Request]

Since kindergarten, Hannah and Emman1035 are best friends, they love each other and many people think they should marry together, first it was funny then it starts bothering Hannah but Emman1035 starts thinking about it. It all started in highschool, that day Emman1035 is ready to tell Hannah his feelings for her and Hannah is also ready to reveal something to her best friend. After morning first period, the two best friends are together by Hannah's car. 

Hannah starts talking "Hey what a morning don't you think? Actually Emman1035 I have something super important to tell you actually..."

Emman1035 to answer "Me too I have something to tell you but please go first Hannah..."

Hannah to keep going: "Ok thanks... well it's something that's litterally would freak out my parents I think... Can you promise not to tell anyone, not even a soul... please promise Emman1035 ?"

Emman1035 to answer "Ok if it can help you... I promise not to tell anyone..." In his mind, he hopes she tells she loves him but he's a bit surprised Hannah says that could freaks out her parents because he knows them since forever and they always loved him, even considered him as a son.

Hannah keeps going "Alright thanks... Well that's it... I think I'm gay... I mean... no... I mean... I'm sure I'm gay since forever... but I hide the fact to myself since years but it's only recently I found out... I... I know it's a shock but yeah that's what I am... I have always loved girls... Now... I just hope to find a girlfriend... I... I hope you're happy for me..."

Emman1035 is shaken even devastated by this news but keeps his composure: "I... of course I'm happy for you Hannah... I love you like my sister... and you know that I'd never judge you..."

Hannah is so happy now "Aw thank you Emman1035 I knew it you'd be the best to tell, love you too like my brother... But you have something to tell me as well... what is it?" 

Emman1035 to answer "No... it's nothing important... it can wait... and your news is really freaking awesome so no need to add anything else and..." he watches over his I-Phone... "Yeah we have to go now... we have maths now..."

And they return together into the school... Few hours later it's finally lunch break... Emman1035 leaves unexpectedly the classroom to lock himself for crying... His heart is broken because his best friend, his love of his life is into girls, he wants to be happy for her but he can't... Into his mind he revives these few words that destroyed all his hopes... Meanwhile Hannah is a bit surprised not to find Emman1035 but makes nothing of it, thinking he felt a bit strange or nauseous since he was so pale during maths, she stays with her friends from the cheers squad she's glad to be with them, her captain named Eden is so gorgeous, Hannah dreams about her sometimes and that's how she found out she was gay...

However she's brought back into reality by one of her common friend with Emman1035 his name is Archie, he's a nerd but a very nice one and very sociable, he says: "Hey Hannah... I think you should go find Emman1035 he's not good at all..."

Hannah to start worrying "Why... what's happening to him? I know he left harshly but he didn't seem to feel good in maths that's all..."

Archie to answer "Yeah that's what I thought so too and so I went to the restroom, well the secrets ones you know... and he was there... I heard him crying so bad... and between sobbings he just keeps repeating why the girl I love the most must be gay... why I can't be happy with the girl I love the freaking most... and he finishes like I want to die now... I really don't know what's going on with him but I think only you are able to reason him..."

While Archie spoke the words, Hannah was shaken, she understands she's the girl Emman1035 is so in love with and since he can't have her then he prefers to die. She says thanks to Archie and leaves to run the fastest she can to these restrooms... When she's finally there, she sees Emman1035 on top the window, ready to throw himself but Hannah screams "NOOOO... PLEASE...."

Emman1035 turns back and sees Hannah, his eyes are so red from crying and he's shaken, his voice cracks from crying for such a long time "Wh... what are you doing here? Are you here to tell me to stop it... But it means nothing now... your prefer girls to me... I was... I was so fucking ready to give my entire life to you.. I was ready to ask you out this morning but your words entirely... destroyed all my hopes... I... I already hate the girl who'll have your heart" He starts crying again ready to jump... 

But at this moment, Hannah grabs him and pushes him back to the floor and sits over him, then slapping his face "You fucking idiot... You're the most important person into my life and you want to suicide... I'd have hated you for that like all my life... and I'd have hated myself to hate you for that... Now listen to me you idiot... my feelings for girls are true... But... when Archie told me about you... I realized I was about to lose the love of my life... that's right... you're the love of my life... I want my best friend forever by my side... I... I want you... forever..."

Emman1035 stopped crying, his eyes are so red and his sight blury, still wondering if she's not pranking him to be sure he won't jump off the window: "You... wait... you say you love me... but... that morning you said you were into girls..."

Hannah on the verge to cry answers: "Yes I'm into girls... but... what I mean is... when I heard you were crying about me... I... I realized I couldn't have a girlfriend if it was not... my best friend... and... I can't tell you more... follow me now to the girl’s locker room please... Don't worry we have like 2 hours before the girls join us..."

Emman1035 is deeply confused about what Hannah said but he still follows her because she's his best friend and he still wants to believe it some way. Once in the girl’s locker room, he sees a cheerleader uniform, sport bra, panties, high socks and shoes and also the pompoms. At this moment Emman1035 wonders why all these things are there, behind him Hannah sets everything in place, in her hands she's got a Starbucks and her other hand, a pair of AirPods and her pink I-Phone with her huge Taylor Swift playlist.

Before Emman1035 could ask what is this cheers outfit, he feels on his ears the AirPods, he wants to take them off but suddenly a music starts and making him strangely calmer as his body is going numb, the song is Red (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift... she starts undressing him, showing a very pale body with no muscles and lots of acne and hairs, Emman1035 lets Hannah doing, unable to speak but he feels ashamed to show Hannah his unappealing body but yet she gently smiling at him, showing her cute colorful braces smile, her face full of grace and love. Then Hannah shoves in Emman1035 mouth a cup of Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks, the drink is way too sweet for Emman1035 but yet he drinks all of it as he's hearing these words from the song:

"Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted
Was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words
To your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword
And realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out
That love could be that strong"

At this moment, Emman1035 starts his transformation, first his short greasy black hair starts growing beyond his shoulders to become chestnut almost blond and all cleaned, his dark brown eyes are now blue, his nose is now smaller and cuter, his lips plump and kissable, his body and facial hairs recede into his skin leaving him a smooth skin, his ears are pierced for earrings, he's now growing smaller, going from his original 5.9 ft. he's now only 5.3 ft. same size as Hannah, his shoulders, his arms and legs and same for his hands and feet are now smaller and less broad, giving him a girly figure, yet he gains some muscles and his bottom grows in size and gains some abs like after hours of fitness. On his small bosom his nipples tingle and on his chest he gains a pair of boobs growing to a pretty yet small A cup with pink nipples, finally during the whole process, his penis was harder than ever and spurning cum until his penis and balls recede into his body to become a vagina with a fully functional female reproductive system, leaving Emman1035 a girl.

During the whole process, Emman1035 was hearing the Taylor Swift playlist and her mind grows foggy, she starts forgetting all her male memories til her name and also her hobbies but not her entire life... Emman1035 is now Madeline she still has her family, still has her great grades at school and her best friend Hannah... only the memories from this morning are changing, after Hannah came out to Madeline, Madeline was so happy in her head and when Hannah asked her what she wanted to talk about, Madeline just kissed Hannah then told her she was also lesbian and was so madly deeply in love with her. Hannah and Madeline are together in the very same cheers squad for the Falcons and also share their love for Taylor Swift's songs listening to them for hours in each others' rooms. Archie is still friends with them but he feels a bit left out since he's only boy of the team but yet he feels happy with them and he's happy for them...

Now the mental and reality change are done, Madeline is emotionally exhausted and faints, Hannah lets the AirPods but takes away the Starbucks cup with some Caramel Macchiato left, Hannah starts dressing up her girlfriend with a pair of red panties and matching Nike red sport bra to cover her tiny breast, she puts on her also the short skirts and top from the Falcons, she adds also a necklace with a half piece of heart with an initial H for Hannah carved on it, as Hannah puts for herself the other half heart with a M for Madeline carved on it, then she adds socks and sport shoes and as a final detail, Hannah takes out a small box with a set of colorful braces on the lower and higher jaws, then she shoves the rest of Starbucks coffee to seal the braces and transformation... After few minutes Madeline is awaken, she feels disoriented but only for a second, as soon as she sees Hannah, her face is illuminating and she kisses her lovingly.

Then Eden and all the girls of the team come inside the lockers room to get dressed for the match then says: "Oh there you are you two, great Maddie you're ready, Hannah get ready too girl..." 

Hannah smiles and gets ready for the training, the training happens and the match too and after almost two hours, the girls come back in the locker room, the home team wins the match, the girls are so happy and pictures are taken including this one with Madeline on the front holding her bottle of water and Hannah by her side on the right sat and both smile with their cutest braces smile, so happy the team wins and of course so happy to be together...


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