It's a girl school here... [Request]

Nigel Beck is a 27 years old unemployed nerd, he was major to his promotion in his engineering school but due to crisis and his small CV, no one seems interested to hire him so he proposes his services as tutor to his neighborhood, he starts with children and because he’s good to tutoring, parents with older children hire him too and so it happens that he’s hired by Matt Lawson his best friend at school for his younger sister Clara, she’s 15 but unlike her older brother she’s not good at math at all and even with good will, it seems impossible to make her learning. 

Nigel is a nerd so he’s not at all handsome but yet Clara has a small crush on him until later in the year, she’s surprised to see him home with her brother because he isn’t supposed to be here, she overhears a conversation between them “Come on mate it’s nothing just a dare, you go to the locker room of the girls’ school and you still one of their panties… I’m sure it’s not that impossible since you’ve already done it with Clara’s panties…” 

Clara becomes red first she’s flattered and almost wanted to come in and says she doesn’t care then her brother says “Just like you did years ago with every girl in cheer squad team, it was quite a performance actually… Back then it was great but now people would call you pervy and no one would hire you ever again…” 

Nigel is trapped and says “Alright Matt you win, I’m going to steal these panties again but no words ever to your sister…” 

Clara leaves the place, she’s shocked by the revelations until then she remembers what happened at school when one of the girls was finally a boy and the situation was finally under control and the boy became a girl. Clara calls one of her best friends: “Hey Chloe I think we gonna have a problem soon, a boy gonna come inside school stealing things in our locker room what should we do?” 

Chloe Finley head of cheer squad to answer “Don’t worry for him hun we’ll take care of him in our way and you can join us for his transformation if you want to…” 

Clara is super happy and excited says yes and Chloe to continue “Awesome, as soon as he’s inside school we trap him in the locker room and you join us hun…”  

The plan is all set and everyone at school is ready, so is Nigel who’s coming early in evening, no students supposed to be here only cheerleaders but unbeknownst to Nigel girls are looking after him among them Clara and Nigel can hear the girls chattering and training eagerly. Once inside the locker room, Nigel is starting the record as specially asked by Matt but Clara wasn’t there when he asked this, girls are surprised first till they realize it’s a great way to show the punishment to that disgusting brother. 

Nigel is watching in many lockers for panties then he hears a noise behind him, he turns back to see Clara and 4 other girls with her “Hello Nigel it’s nice to see you here… but you know it’s a female school here… you have nothing to do here except if you’re a teacher or… one of us…” 

The girls tighten their grips on a terrified Nigel trying to leave, as Clara is slowly taking her uniform off, untie her tie, take off her pullover, her long sleeves shirt, her tank top, her sport bra, her skirt, her shoes and socks, and finally her panties. Clara is now fully naked showing her cute teenage body with her small and firm breast her skin full of acne but yet so smooth, her hazel eyes, her cute braces smile with teal rubbers. 

Nigel has a boner seeing this teen girl, almost forgetting his situation, until Chloe sees it and says: “Time to get rid off this poor male form for a much sweeter and cuter shape… GIRLS you know what to do…” 

The girls tear every single clothes off, leaving him naked, then Clara takes her dirty socks, chanting something in foreign language and comes closer to the group holding Nigel “Time to say goodbye Nigel… to your old self of course…” 

And before Nigel could react, Clara pushes down his mouth one of her sock and put her other sock right on his nose… Nigel tries his best to defend himself but more he smells and tastes these socks more his body loses strength till going numb until he couldn’t do anything just watching as Clara takes one of her shoe and put it right on Nigel’s nose, the scent makes him almost pass out until huge pain radiates his entire body. 

At this moment Chloe says “Girls it’s time for our new girl transformation, leave her some space and keep filming everything hunnie” 

Indeed Nigel’s transformation is starting, his 5.10 ft. height drops to 5.2 ft. his bones cracking and reforming, his body hairs recede leaving him a soft baby skin as acne appears on his face, his grey eyes turn hazel, his nose shrinks as his lips plump, his blondish hair turns  chestnut full of dandruff and a bit greasy like hair not washed after few days, his hands and feet are now much smaller but no varnish nor makeup on his feminine face… on his chest two small mounds of flesh push under his nipples, giving him A cup breast with pink areolas pointing, finally his penis with his balls is reverting inside him to  become a full fertile female reproductive system leaving Nigel a full girl. The new girl is on the floor, the girls are so happy and Clara is even happier and is falling in love… The girls take the shoe and socks off the new girl’s face as Nigel is unconscious, her transformation drained her. 

Clara finally says “Girls… would you be ok if you leave me alone with my… new girlfriend… Promise you can kiss her afterwards… but I’d love to have a moment with her… you know… to finish her transformation…” 

The girls are a bit disappointed but understand and leave, then Clara whispers to the new girl’s ear “Oh babe… you’re so pretty now… I’m even more in love with you now babe… let’s finish this if you agree… Lisa…” 

Nigel unable to move wants to scream and free herself, hoping this is just a dream but she feels now disappearing of her “new” body as a female appears out of nowhere and with her a complete whole new life… 

Meanwhile Clara starts kissing the new girl, her hands all over her body slowly but surely kissing her breast, her belly, her pussy taking her virginity as she says “Lisa I’m your first and only girlfriend from now on… you’re mine baby” 

At this moment the new girl has her new memories, her name is now Lisa Olivia Finley she’s 15 years old like Clara, she remembers her life so full of love between her loving parents and her older sister Chloe, she remembers now playing in the garden with her sister, she watched her sister doing her cheer training  and sees herself wanting to join her sister’s squad. Chloe and Lisa are so close together at home and at school so when Lisa joins the squad, she meets Clara and immediately it’s love at first sight, they have so much in common, love same things, same music, they go eagerly together to the cheer practice and choir practice as well. Finally when they decide to announce their love to the world their parents and school support them no matter what… Finally just before her memories are solidified, Clara puts in Lisa’s mouth some braces she glues on her upper and lower jaws, she adds blue rubbers since it’s her favorite color for them both, adding this new memory to Lisa that she went to the dentist few days ago to get her braces on. 

Now that everything is ready Lisa opens her beautiful hazel eyes and Clara says “Girls you can come in… Lisa is ready…” 

All the girls come inside and they are amazed, Chloe gives a hug to Lisa and Clara and says “I’m so happy my little sister and my best cheerleader are together, you’re so cute…” 

All the girls keep complimenting on Lisa and Clara, they’re so happy for them that school agrees and they start kissing each other, in the locker room scent of love, sex and sweat is now strong but they don’t care and the sounds of their orgasms resounding in the silent of the evening. After that the girls give one last cuddle to Lisa before leaving for bed… 

The morning after, bells ringing at 6.15 am, Lisa wakes up, Clara’s arm is around her waist as her hand slowly touches her breast, Lisa smiles showing her cute blue braces as she says “Morning sleepy head… we need to get up, bells just rang bab…” 

Lisa is interrupted by a kiss of her girlfriend who’s also now smiling showing her teal braces, both girls start to get ready after a quick moment by the sink, they dress up in their uniforms but Clara is ready first in the fresh uniform the girls kept for her before the transformation and Lisa is about to wear her girlfriend’s worn uniform but Clara wants to do it herself… she starts with the white panties, continues with black stockings, blue and white plaid skirt, white brassiere with cute pink hearts and strong sweat scent, white tank top, white shirt buttoned up, her blue tie knotted and blue pullover. Lisa and Clara are both ready for school day; Lisa takes her school bag and goes to school joining the others. 

Once again everybody gives a hug to Lisa and Chloe so happy to see her sister and best friend once again, she takes this lovely picture of the girls together showing their cutest braces smiles, Lisa on the left with her blue braces and complete uniform, Clara on the right with her teal braces and her uniform with no tie because it’s still hot outside and the tie is not yet mandatory at school. 

Later the same day, Lisa feels her phone buzzing, she looks at it and sees a number she has never seen before (because her phone was restored in default settings), the message says :“Look Nigel you better answer me now and send me this fucking video or you know what will happen to you!! M.L” 

Lisa looks through her phone then says “Anyone knows who this person is? It’s the first time I see this number on my phone…” 

Clara looks and suddenly remembers the reason why all this happened then says “It’s no one babe… must be mistaken, you should just delete the message and that’s all…” 

In the meantime Chloe and Clara send the video to Matt Lawson and they are on their way to Matt’s house ready to get him so no one would ever remember this…


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