From dark to light [Request]
Aiden Murillo is a 29 years old Mexican woman, since her teenage years she became a goth girl. After her parents’ death she dropped schools so no graduation, she’s got a job she hates in her local shop. She’s grown up bitter and hateful, she hates family and cheerful people, that day Aiden wears all black clothes, black manga t-shirt, with black ripped jeans, black shoes and underneath only boy shorts.
So when Lauren Jones 16 years old cheerleader comes in the shop all smiling giving people flyers on the tryouts in her high-school, Aiden can’t bear it and screams at her to leave immediately the shop and she doesn’t want that kind of publicity in the shop. Lauren comes out, surprised and sad first but also quite angry to that woman wearing only black when she’s a cute blonde wearing her colorful cheerleader outfit. At the end of her day, Aiden closes the shop, she walks down the street into the night, it’s 10 pm, there’s still plenty of people outside and many lights but yet she feels insecure like someone observing her she looks around but sees nothing peculiar in that crowded avenue. But as she goes in alley much darker with no witnesses, Aiden feels a handkerchief under her nose, as she feels so afraid she breaths heavily the chloroform and falls asleep.
When she wakes up, she is naked and bound to a bed, showing her chubby belly, her pierced nipples and navel, her dark pussy bush and her hairy armpits. Suddenly two women come inside and when one of them opens the curtains, the sun light is so bright that Aiden almost closes her eyes. When she reopens them, she recognizes immediately Lauren she saw yesterday and the other looks just like Lauren but a bit older, it’s her mother Gwen Jones.
Gwen is 36 years old, she’s in good shape and her athletic body shows years of cheerleading, she’s also her daughter’s team coach. Aiden looks around her, the room looks like a teenage girl bedroom with animal posters, huge CD’s collection, many teenage books, the room is all pink and purple color and same for the bed sheets, and above her desk several cheerleading cups to the name of Olivia Jones.
She suddenly sees Gwen jumping on the bed with a funnel and forced it into Aiden’s mouth, Lauren bring a huge bottle full of black liquid and starts to pour it down Aiden’s mouth. The taste is awful like it was taken in a swamp or worse in the dumpster. Aiden can’t do anything except drinking that mixture, feeling it down her throat burning, tears dropping on her eyes, her transformation begins then. Her Latina tanned skin slowly blemishes leaving her skin white, her short black hair suddenly grows up and lighten up to become long light brown almost blond hair, her black eyes change to blue, her huge DD breast deflates to a cute A, her beer fat belly slims out leaving her with a cute thin stomach, her navel piercing pops out and falling on the bed, same for her clit piercing, her armpits hairs recedes in her pale skin but her pussy bush is just trimmed and her hymen reforms, leaving her a virgin pussy.
After all these changes the bottle is emptied and Aiden fainted and looks completely different, her height decreases, she was 5.7 ft. and now merely 5.1 ft. some abs appeared on her belly as well, her arms and legs are both musculars. Gwen and Lauren are both in awe seeing the new girl and Gwen starts dressing up the girl with white cotton panties and white sport bra to maintain her cute little breast, Lauren continue with a cheerleader outfit to the colors of the Panthers with a mini-skirt and a top purple and yellow, white socks with purple lines and white shoes. Gwen takes a small box in the night-stand, opens it to take a set of braces and apply them to the upper and lower jaws with glue. Lauren can’t stop looking at her new little sister and gives her a kiss.
The girl wakes up, smiles, kisses Lauren back and gives Gwen a big cuddle, the girl looks at the room and remembers it all, she is Olivia Jones barely 14 years old, Gwen gives her new ID, she sees :
Charlotte middle school
Olivia Jones
DOB : 7/26/2009
Height : 5.3 ft.
With a picture of her smiling showing her pretty new braces smile. Olivia stands up, looks her pretty outfit when her mother reminds her about the pictures for the next tryouts, she grabs her pompoms and poses for her mom showing her cheerful and her most beautiful smile.
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